[21st April2014]

Supplement to Official Gazette

intangible, in which traditional culture and
knowledge are expressed, appear or are manifested,
and comprise the following forms of expressions or
combinations thereof­

verbal expressions, such as stories, epics,
legends, poetry, riddles and other narratives;
words, signs, names, and symbols;

(ii) 	 musical expressions, such as songs and
instrumental music;
(iii) 	 expressions by action, such as dances, plays,
ceremonies, rituals and other performances,
whether or not reduced to a material form; or
(iv) 	 tangible expressions, such as productions of
art, in particular, drawings, designs,
paintings (including body-painting),
carvings, sculpt11res, pottery, terracotta,
mosaic, woodwork, metalware, jewelry,
baskets, needlework, textiles, glassware,
carpets, costumes, handicrafts, musical
instruments, and architectural forms, which
(a) 	 the products of creative intellectual
activity, including individual and
communal creativity;
(b) 	 characteristic of a community's cultural
and social identity and cultural
heritage; or
(c) 	 maintained, used or developed by such
community, or by individuals having
the right or responsibility to do so in
accordance with the customary law and
practices of that community;


Select target paragraph3