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Supplement to Official Gazette
[2 l st April2014]
mere data, even if expressed, described,
explained, illustrated or embodied in a work;
news of the day or miscellaneous facts
having the character of mere items of press
information; or
political speeches and speeches delivered in
the course of legal proceedings.
7.(1) The author or other owner of the copyright shall
have the exclusive right to undertake or to authorise the
following acts in relation to the work
reproduction of the work;
translation of the work;
a d a p t a ti o n , a r r a n g eme n t o r o t h e r
transformation of the work;
distribution of the original or a copy of the
work to the public;
rental of the original or a copy of an audio
visual work, a work embodied in a
phonogram or a computer program;
public performance of the work;
broadcasting of the work; or
other communication to the public of the
(2) The right of distribution under subsection (l)(d)
does not apply to the original or a copy of the work that has
already been subject to a sale or other transfer or ownership, in
aJ1y countly or territory, authorised by the owner of copyright.