Federal Negarit Gazeta
13th Year No. 13 ADDIS ABABA-27th February, 2006
Page 3357


Art. 7. Right to regulate access
1/ The right of local communities to regulate access to their
community knowledge shall include the following:

the right to give prior informed consent for access to their
community knowledge;


when exercising the right to give prior informed consent, the
right to refuse consent when they believe that the intended
access will be detrimental to the integrity of their cultural or
natural heritages;


the right to withdrew or place restriction on the prior informed
consent they have given for access to their community
knowledge where they find out that such consent is likely to
be detrimental to their socio-economic life or their natural or
cultural heritages;


the right to demand the restriction or withdrawal of the prior
informed consent given by the Institute for access to their
genetic resources where they found out that is likely to be
detrimental to their socio-economic life or their natural or
cultural heritages;

2/ The conditions and the procedure in accordance to which local
communities shall give prior informed consent for access to their
community knowledge shall be specified by a regulation;

Use Right

Local communities shall have an inalienable right to use or
exchange among themselves their genetic resources or
community knowledge in the course of sustaining their
livelihood systems in accordance with their customary
practices or norms.


No legal restriction shall be placed on the traditional system
of local communities on the use and exchange of genetic
resources and community knowledge;

Select target paragraph3