Federal Negarit Gazeta
13th Year No. 13 ADDIS ABABA-27th February, 2006
Page 3368


Granting Exploration Permit
1/ Upon receiving a complete exploration application, the Institute
shall, in consultation with the relevant institution where appropriate,
grant an exploration permit to the applicant.
2/ The exploration permit shall specify the types of the genetic
resources to be explored, the locality where the exploration shall
take place, the time schedule of the exploration and any other
condition the Institute deems necessary.
3/ Where the Institute grants exploration permit to a foreigner; it shall
assign its scientific personnel or designate other relevant institution
to accompany the exploration mission.


Obligations of Explorers
Any holder of an exploration permit shall have the following
1/ deposit a copy of the exploration permit with the relevant institution
in the district of the locality where the exploration will be
2/ strictly observe the terms and conditions specified in the permit;
3/ present to the Institute a detailed and complete report of the
exploration mission upon its completion;
4/ show, upon on requested, the exploration permit issued to him;
5/ respect local customs, traditions, values, property rights in the
locality where the exploration shall be conducted and the laws of
the country.

Select target paragraph3