Federal Negarit Gazeta
13th Year No. 13 ADDIS ABABA-27th February, 2006
Page 3365


Benefit Sharing

The kind and the amount of the benefit to be shared by the
state and local communities from access to genetic
resources or community knowledge shall be determined
case by case in each specific access agreements to be


The remaining portion of the monetary benefit from access
to genetic resources, after deducting the share of the local
community as determined pursuant to Article 9 (1) of this
Proclamation, shall be allocated for conservation of
biodiversity and the promotion of community knowledge.
The conditions how the money shall be put to such use shall
be determined by regulation.


The sharing of non-monetary benefits from access to genetic
resources among the state and the concerned local
community shall be specified in each specific access
agreement taking into account the kinds of benefits agreed
to be shared with the access permit holder.

19. Types of Benefit
The benefit to be shared from an access to genetic resources and
community knowledge may include the following modes:

License fee;
Upfront payment;
Milestone payment;
Research funding;
Joint ownership of intellectual property;
Employment opportunity;
Participation of Ethiopian nationals from the Institute or the
relevant institutions in the research based on the genetic
resources or community knowledge accessed;
9/ Priority to supply the raw material of genetic resource required
for producing products there form;
10/ Access to products and technologies developed from the use of
genetic resource or community knowledge accessed;
11/ Training, both at institutional and local communities levels, to
enhance local skills in genetic resources conservation,
evaluation, development, propagation and use;

Select target paragraph3