Collection of Laws for Electronic Access


“official seed sample” means a seed sample taken in accordance with these Regulations;
“parental material” means the propagating material from which the breeder’s seed is raised;
“post control” means the growing of plants from seed lots which have been certified to further
determine and confirm cultivar purity and freedom from disease infection;
“pre-basic” means progeny of breeder’s seed;
“private sample” means any sample submitted to the seed testing laboratory other than the
official sample;
“purity” means the percentage by weight of pure seeds as determined by purity analysis in the
seed laboratory;
“pure germinating seed” means the proportion of pure seed in a seed lot capable of
germinating into normal seedlings under optimal germination conditions;
“records” means any records required to be kept under these Regulations;
“registered seed grower” means a person or institution officially recognized by the authorized
officer and the Seed allocation panel as suitable to grow seed crops;
“registered seed merchant” means a person or firm or institution officially recognized by the
Seed Committee as suitable to produce, process or sell seed;
“sealing” means the stage in processing whereby a seed container is sealed to prevent any
“seed” means that part of the crop species which is used for propagation either as a seed in
botanical sense which is developed from a fertilized ovule, or a seedling, or some other parts such
as a corm, cutting, bulb, root scion, set, split, tuber or stem, which is not a seed in a botanical sense
and which is used for vegetative propagation;
“seed analyst” means a suitably qualified person on the staff of an official testing station;
“seed class” means a stage in a seed multiplication system well defined in respect of parental
seed standards of cultivation and seed quality;
“seed health” means the degree of freedom from seed borne diseases and pests;
“seed crop” means a crop that is grown for the specific purpose of producing seed;
“seed industry” means the entire chain linked stages that start with breeding and crop
improvement through seed multiplication, processing, certification and ends with seed distribution;
“seed inspector” means a suitably qualified person on the staff of the official inspection
“seed lot” means a specified quantity of seed which measures to prescribed maximum weight
and which is represented by one sample in laboratory seed testing or in post control plots, and is
homogeneous and physically identifiable by a unique reference number;


Plant Variety, Regulations (Ch. 326), 01/01/1975 (1991)

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