Article 101
The Auditor General
1. 	 The Auditor General shall, upon recommendations of the Prime Minister,
be appointed by the House of Peoples’ Representatives.
2. 	 The Auditor General shall audit and inspect the accounts of ministries and
other agencies of the Federal Government to ensure that expenditures are
properly made for activities carried out during the fiscal year and in
accordance with the approved allocations, and submit his reports thereon
to the House of Peoples’ Representatives.
3. 	 The Auditor General shall draw up and submit for approval to the House
of Peoples’ Representatives his office’s annual budget.
4. 	 The details of functions of the Auditor General shall be determined by law.
Article 102
Election Board
1. 	 There shall be established a National Election Board independent of any
influence, to conduct in an impartial manner free and fair election in
Federal and State constituencies.
2. 	 Members of the Board shall be appointed by the House of Peoples’
Representatives upon recommendation of the Prime Minister. Particulars
shall be determined by law.
Article 103
Population Census Commission
1. 	There shall be established a National Census Commission that shall
conduct a population census periodically.
2. 	 Members of the National Census Commission shall be appointed by the
House of Peoples’ Representatives upon recommendation of the Prime
3. The
Commission shall have a Secretary General and necessary
professional and support staff.
4. 	 The annual budget of the Commission shall be submitted for approval to
the House of Peoples’ Representatives.
5. 	A national populations census shall be conducted every ten years. The
House of the Federation shall determine the boundaries of constituencies
on the basis of the census results and a proposal submitted to the House by
the National Election Board.
6. T
	 he Commission shall be accountable to the House of Peoples’
Representatives. It shall submit to the House periodic reports on the

Select target paragraph3