Article 49
Capital City
1. 	 Addis Ababa shall be the capital city of the Federal State.
2. 	 The residents of Addis Ababa shall have a full measure of self-government.
Particulars shall be determined by law.
3. 	The Administration of Addis Ababa shall be responsible to the Federal
4. 	Residents of Addis Ababa shall in accordance with the provisions of this
Constitution, be represented in the House of Peoples’ Representatives.
5. 	The special interest of the State of Oromia in Addis Ababa, regarding the
provision of social services or the utilization of natural resources and other
similar matters, as well as joint administrative matters arising from the
location of Addis Ababa within the State of Oromia, shall be respected.
Particulars shall be determined by law.
Article 50
Structure of the Organs of State
1. T
	 he Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia comprises the Federal
Government and the State members.
2. 	 The Federal Government and the States shall have legislative, executive and
judicial powers.
3. 	 The House of Peoples’ Representatives is the highest authority of the Federal
Government. The House is responsible to the People. The State Council is the
highest organ of State authority. It is responsible to the People of the State.
4. 	 State government shall be established at State and other administrative levels
that they find necessary. Adequate power shall be granted to the lowest units
of government to enable the People to participate directly in the administration
of such units.
5. 	 The State Council has the power of legislation on matters falling under State
jurisdiction. Consistent with the provisions of this Constitution, the Council
has power to draft, adopt and amend the state constitution.
6. 	 The State administration constitutes the highest organ of executive power.
7. 	 State judicial power is vested in its courts.
8. 	Federal and State powers are defined by this Constitution. The States shall
respect the powers of the Federal Government. The Federal Government shall
likewise respect the powers of the States.
9. 	 The Federal Government may, when necessary, delegate to the States powers
and functions granted to it by Article 51 of this Constitution.

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