4. The State shall enforce the right of women to eliminate the influences of
harmful customs. Laws, customs and practices that oppress or cause bodily or
mental harm to women are prohibited.
5. (a) Women have the right to maternity leave with full pay. The duration of
maternity leave shall be determined by law taking into account the nature of
the work, the health of the mother and the well-being of the child and family.
(b) Maternity leave may, in accordance with the provisions of law, include
prenatal leave with full pay.
6. Women have the right to full consultation in the formulation of national
development policies, the designing and execution of projects, and particularly
in the case of projects affecting the interests of women.
7. Women have the right to acquire, administer, control, use and transfer
property. In particular, they have equal rights with men with respect to use,
transfer, administration and control of land. They shall also enjoy equal
treatment in the inheritance of property.
8. Women shall have a right to equality in employment, promotion, pay, and the
transfer of pension entitlements.
9. To prevent harm arising from pregnancy and childbirth and in order to
safeguard their health, women have the right of access to family planning
education, information and capacity.
Article 36
Rights of Children
1. Every child has the right:
a. To life;
b. To a name and nationality;
c. To know and be cared for by his or her parents or legal guardians;
d. Not to be subject to exploitative practices, neither to be required nor
permitted to perform work which may be hazardous or harmful to his or
her education, health or well-being;
e. To be free of corporal punishment or cruel and inhumane treatment in
schools and other institutions responble for the care of children.
2. In all actions concerning children undertaken by public and private welfare
institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities or legislative bodies, the
primary consideration shall be the best interest of the child.
3. Juvenile offenders admitted to corrective or rehabilitative institutions, and
juveniles who become wards of the State or who are placed in public or
private orphanages, shall be kept separately from adults.
4. Children born out of wedlock shall have the same rights as children born of
5. The State shall accord special protection to orphans and shall encourage the
establishment of institutions which ensure and promote their adoption and
advance their welfare, and education.