d. The vital processings for a verification, a discharge or the defense
of a legal right;
e. The processings that are carried toward, the research in the
medical health field.
Section 8: The personally identifiable information related to infringements,
condemnations/convictions/judgements and to security measures may only be
dealt by:
a. The juridictions, the public authorities and moral individuals that
manage a public office in the scope of their statutory/legal
b. The representatives of law, for the strict needs of their missions as
they are assigned by the law;
c. The other moral individuals, for the strict management needs of
infringements related conflicts of which they are victims.
Article 9: The responsible of a personally identifiable information can only
transfer the data to a Foreign Government if the subject country warranties
sufficient degre of privacy, liberty and unalienable rights protection of the
subject individuals that such data identify.
The degre of protection warrantied by a foreign country is evaluated
based on the protection measures enforced in the very foreign Country, the
security measures enforced in it, clear definition of the processing details such
as its motivation, period/length as well as the nature, the origin and the
destination of the processed data.