• Source of constitutional authority
• Motives for writing constitution
• God or other deities

PDF generated: 18 Apr 2016, 16:56

We, the people of Equatorial Guinea, conscious of our responsibility before God and
Driven by the will to safeguard our independence, organize and consolidate our
national unity;
Desirous of upholding the authentic African spirit of the positive tradition of family
and communal organization, adapting it to new social and judicial structures
consistent with modern life;
Conscious that the charismatic authority of the traditional family is the foundation of
the Equatoguinean Society;

• International human rights treaties

Firmly supported by the principles of social justice and solemnly reaffirmed by the
rights and liberties of men defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of
October 10, 1948;

• International human rights treaties

The African Charter of Rights of Man and of Peoples of June 26, 1981;
Adopt the following Fundamental Law of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea.

First Title: Fundamental Principles of the State
Article 1
• Type of government envisioned



• Claim of universal suffrage

Equatorial Guinea is a sovereign, independent, republican, social and
democratic State, in which the supreme values are unity, peace, justice,
freedom and equality.
Political pluralism is recognized.
Its official name is: Republic of Equatorial Guinea (República de Guinea

Article 2
Sovereignty belongs to the people, who exercise it by way of universal suffrage.
From it emanate the public powers that are exercised in the conditions determined
by this Fundamental Law and other laws. No fraction of the people or individual shall
attribute itself the exercise of National Sovereignty.

Article 3

The territory of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea is comprised of the
continental area known as Río Muni and the Bioko, Annobón, Corisco,
Elobey Grande, Elobey Chico, Mbañe, Conga, Leva, Cocotero islands and
adjacent islets, the fluvial waters, the maritime zone, the continental shelf
determined by the Law and the air space that covers them.

• Ownership of natural resources


Equatorial Guinea 1991 (rev. 2012)

Over its territory the State fully exercises its sovereignty and can explore
and exploit in an exclusive manner all resources and mineral wealth and

Page 4

Select target paragraph3