a) Exercising the National Assembly’s powers in relation to Members’
b) Preparing the opening of legislative sessions;
c) Convening special sessions of the National Assembly when specific and
urgent matters need to be analysed;
d) Overseeing meetings of the Special, Ad Hoc and Parliamentary Inquiry
Committees outside the normal working hours of the National Assembly.
4. The Standing Committee shall function throughout the legislature until the
first constituent meeting of the new Assembly.
Article 157
(Legislative sessions)
1. Each legislature shall last for five legislative sessions or parliamentary years.
2. Each legislative session shall begin on the fifteenth of October and last for
one year and intervals shall be established according to the legislation for the
organisation and functioning of the National Assembly.
3. Legislative sessions shall include the ordinary and extraordinary plenary
sittings required in order to pursue activities.
Article 158
The National Assembly may function in plenary sittings with one fifth of its
Members in full exercise of their office.
Article 159
Decisions of the National Assembly shall be taken on the basis of a simple absolute
majority of the Members present, provided this amounts to more than half of the
Members in full exercise of their office and except when other regulations on
decisions are established in the Constitution and the law.
Article 160
(Organisational competence)
Within the sphere of its internal organisation, the National Assembly shall be
responsible for: