1. The term of office of President of the Republic shall last for five years,
beginning with their inauguration and ending with the inauguration of the
new President elect.
2. Each citizen may serve up to two terms of office as President of the Republic.
Article 114
1. The President of the Republic elect shall be inaugurated by the President of
the Constitutional Court.
2. The inauguration shall take place up to fifteen days after the official
publication of the election results.
3. The election of the President of the Republic shall be a justifiable reason for
delaying the taking of a parliamentary seat.
Article 115
(Swearing in)
During the inauguration, the President of the Republic elect, with his right hand
resting on the Constitution of Republic of Angola, shall swear the following oath:
I (full name), on being inaugurated into the office of President of the Republic, do
swear on my honour:
To faithfully perform the office with which I am invested;
To observe Constitution of the Republic of Angola and the laws of the country and
cause them to be observed;
To defend the independence, sovereignty and unity of the nation and the territorial
integrity of the country;
To defend peace and democracy and promote the stability, well-being and social
advancement of all Angolans.
Article 116
(Relinquishment of office)
The President of the Republic may relinquish office by means of a message
addressed to the National Assembly, also notifying the Constitutional Court.
Article 117