1. The state and other public corporate bodies shall be jointly and civilly liable
for any actions and omissions committed by their organs, their respective
officeholders, agents and staff in the exercise of their legislative, judicial and
administrative duties or as a result of the said duties which result in the
violation of rights, freedoms and guarantees or in losses to those entitled to
them or third parties.
2. The individuals responsible for these acts or omissions shall be held liable for
them, in criminal and disciplinary terms, under the terms of the law.
Article 76
(Right to work)
1. Work shall be the right and duty of all.
2. Every worker shall have the right to vocational training, fair pay, rest days,
holidays, protection, and workplace health and safety, in accordance with the
3. In order to ensure the right to work, the state shall be charged with
a) The implementation of policies to generate work;
b) Equal opportunities in the choice of profession or type of work and
conditions which prevent preclusion or limitation due to any form of
c) Academic training and scientific and technological development, as well
as vocational development for workers.
4. Dismissal without fair cause shall be illegal and employers shall be obliged to
pay just compensation for workers who have been dismissed, under the terms
of the law.
Article 77
(Health and social protection)
1. The state shall promote and guarantee the measures needed to ensure the
universal right to medical and health care, as well as the right to child care
and maternity care, care in illness, disability, old age and in situations in
which they are unable to work, in accordance with the law.
2. In order to guarantee the right to medical and health care, the state shall be
charged with:
a) Developing and ensuring a n operational health service throughout
national territory;