Adopted in 1984,
Amended in 1991, 1993, 1996
In an exemplary manner the Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC), having been
founded on 19 September 1956, has accomplished its political and military action plan [Programa Minimo],
consisting of liberating the people of Guinea and Cape Verde, winning the sovereignty of the two respective
states simultaneously, for the purpose of building a free and democratic society and social justice in each
The Party consecrated the independence, winning internal and international harmony, respect and
admiration as the form for directing the future of the Guinea nation, namely through the creation and
institutionalisation of the state structure.
Adopting this Constitution, which follows faithfully the thread of institutional evolution that has always
reflected the ideas and choices of our people - a policy reaffirmed by the profound transformation being
brought about in our society by legality, by right and by the enjoyment of fundamental liberties - the National
Popular Assembly of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau reveals that everything it articulates is imbued with the
humanism that has always inspired us and that is reflected in our rights and liberties as herein guaranteed to
the citizens, as an irreversible victory for our people.
The Popular National Assembly congratulates the PAIGC on paper for being in the vanguard involved in
unfolding the conduct of the destiny of the nation and congratulates itself for the courageous and timely
decision that the Party of Amilcar Cabral took to support and expand the democratic opening to construct a
pluralistic, just and free society.
The decision of the PAIGC follows in accordance with its historic tradition of acting at every moment as the
repository for the deepest aspirations of our people.
Therefore, acting as a faithful interpreter of the will of the people and exercising its responsibilities as the
highest sovereign organ, the National Popular Assembly approves and adopts this Constitution of the
Republic of Guinea-Bissau as Fundamental Law, which shall enter into force on 6 May 1984.

Article 1
Guinea-Bissau is a sovereign, democratic, secular and unitary republic.
Article 2
(1) The national sovereignty of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau is vested in the people.
(2) The exercise of political power is vested in the people directly or through the democratically elected
Article 4
(1) In the Republic of Guinea-Bissau the establishment of political parties is allowed in conformity with
the Constitution and the law.
Article 6
(1) In the Republic of Guinea-Bissau there shall be separation between the state and religious
Article 24
All persons are equal before the law, enjoy the same rights and are subjected to the same duties, without
distinction as to race, social status, intellectual or cultural level, religious belief or philosophical conviction.
Article 25
Men and women are equal before the law in all aspects of political, economic, social and cultural life.

Select target paragraph3