49. (1) There shall be a Cabinet which shall consist of the President, the Cabinet
Vice-President and the Ministers.
(2) There shall preside at meetings of the Cabinet(a)
the President; or
in the absence of the President, the Vice-President.
(3) The Cabinet may act notwithstanding any vacancy in its
50. The Cabinet shall formulate the policy of the government and shall Functions of
be responsible for advising the President with respect to the policy of the Cabinet
Government and with respect to such other matters as may be referred to
it by the President.
51. The Cabinet and Deputy Ministers shall be accountable
collectively to the National Assembly.
Accountability of
Cabinet and
Deputy Ministers
52. All Ministers and Deputy Ministers shall conduct themselves,
during their tenure of office, in accordance with a code of conduct
promulgated by Parliament.
Code of conduct
53. (1) There shall be a Secretary to the Cabinet whose office shall be a Secretary to the
public office and who shall, subject to ratification by the National
Assembly, be appointed by the President.
(2) The Secretary to the Cabinet shall(a)
be the Head of the Public Service and shall be responsible to the
President for securing the general efficiency of the Public
have charge of Cabinet Office and be responsible, in accordance
with the instructions given to him by the President, for arranging
the business for, and keeping the minutes of the Cabinet and for
conveying decisions made in Cabinet to the appropriate