d) private ownership.
3. The State shall ensure that economic activities conform with the Constitution and the law.
Article 42
1. In satisfying the basic needs of the people, the family sector plays a fundamental role.
2. The State shall support and provide incentives for family sector production, and shall encourage peasants as well
as individual laborers to organize themselves into more advanced forms of production.
Article 43
The State shall promote and support the active participation of the national business sector in the development and
consolidation of the country's economy.
Article 44
The State recognizes the contribution made by small scale production to the national economy, and shall support its
development as a way of making good use of the capacities and creativity of the people.
Article 45
1. Foreign investment shall operate within the framework of State economic policy.
2. Foreign ventures shall be permitted in all economic sectors, except those that are exclusively reserved for State
ownership or development by the State.
Article 46
1. Ownership of land is vested in the State.
2. Land may not be sold, mortgaged, or otherwise encumbered or alienated.
3. As a universal means for the creation of wealth and social well-being, the use and enjoyment of land shall be the
right of all the Mozambican people.
Article 47
1. The State shall determine the conditions for the use and enjoyment of land.
2. The right to use and enjoyment of the land shall be granted to individual or collective persons, taking into account
its social purpose.
3. The terms for establishment of rights in respect of land shall be governed by law and shall prioritize direct users
and producers. The law shall not permit such rights to be used to favor situations of economic domination or privilege
to the detriment of the majority of its citizens.
Article 48
In granting titles for the use and enjoyment of land, the State shall recognize and protect rights acquired through
inheritance or occupation, unless there is a legal reservation or the land has been legally attributed to another person
or entity.
Article 49
1. The State shall promote and coordinate economic activity, acting directly or indirectly to resolve the fundamental
problems of the people and to reduce social and regional inequities.
2. State investment shall play a dynamizing role in promoting development.
Article 50
Taxes shall be established or altered by law, and shall be set according to criteria of social justice.
Article 51
1. Labor shall be protected and dignified and shall be the driving force of development.
2. The State shall promote the just distribution of the proceeds of labor.
Article 52
1. The Republic of Mozambique shall promote an educational strategy which has as its objective national unity,
wiping out illiteracy, mastering science and technology, and providing citizens with moral and civic values.
2. The State shall organize and develop education through a national educational system.


Select target paragraph3