2. Acts contrary to the Constitution shall be subject to sanction in accordance with the law.
Article 86
1. The State shall recognize and guarantee the right to ownership of property.
2. Expropriation may only take place on grounds of public need, use or interest, as defined by law, and there shall be
just compensation.
Article 87
The State shall recognize and guarantee, within the terms of the law, the right of inheritance.
Article 88
1. Work shall be a right and a duty of all citizens, regardless of sex.
2. All citizens shall have the right to a free choice of profession.
3. Forced labor shall be forbidden, with the exception of work performed in the context of penal law.
Article 89
1. All employees shall have the right to just payment, to rest and to holidays.
2. Employees shall have the right to safe, secure and hygienic work conditions.
3. Employees may only be dismissed in accordance with the law.
Article 90
1. All employees shall have the freedom to organize professional associations or trade unions.
2. The exercise of trade union activity shall be regulated by law.
Article 91
1. Employees shall have the right to strike. The exercise of this right shall be regulated by law.
2. The law shall limit the exercise of the right to strike in essential services and activities, in the interests of the
overriding needs of society.
3. Lockouts shall be prohibited.
Article 92
1. In the Republic of Mozambique education shall be a right and duty of all citizens.
2. The State shall promote greater and equal access to the enjoyment of this right by all citizens.
Article 93
1. Citizens shall have the right to physical education and to sport.
2. The State shall promote, through sporting and educational institutions, the practice and dissemination of physical
education and sport.
Article 94
All citizens shall have the right to medical and health care, within the terms of the law, and shall have the duty to
promote and preserve health.
Article 95
1. All citizens shall have the right to assistance in the case of disability or old age.
2. The State shall promote and encourage the creation of conditions for achieving this right.