service concerned.

“information and communications” means the
emission, transmission or reception of information,
including without limitation, voice, sound, data,
text, video, animation, visual images, moving
images and pictures, signals or a combination of
them by means of magnetism, radio or other
electromagnetic waves, optical, electromagnetic
systems or any agency of a like nature, whether
with or without the aid of tangible conduct;
“information and communications network iden­
tifier” means the addressing facilities identifying
information and communications network points,
including network termination points, or terminal
equipment connected to an information and com­
munications network in order to direct information
specifically to the information and communications
network points or the relevant terminal equipment
or to identify the sender of information;
“information and communications network or
system” means transmission systems and, where
applicable, switching or routing equipment and
other resources which permit the conveyance of
signals by wire, by radio, by optical or by other
networks, fixed (circuit and packet-switched,
including internet) and mobile terrestrial networks,
electricity cable systems, to the extent that they are
used for the purpose of transmitting signals,
networks used for radio and television
broadcasting, and cable television networks,
irrespective of the type of information conveyed;
“information and communications services” means
a service normally provided for remuneration which
consists of the conveyance of signals on
including information and communications services
and transmission services in networks used for
broadcasting as well as services providing or
exercising editorial control over content transmitted
using information and communications networks;


Select target paragraph3