Medicines and Allied Substances
of 2013 11
veterinary shops;
(g) serve and protect the public interest in all matters relating
to the sale of medicines and allied substances;
(h) regulate and monitor the conduct of clinical trials;
(i) establish, maintain and enforce standards relating to the
manufacture, importation, exportation, distribution and
sale of medicines and allied substances;
(j) conduct post-marketing surveillance;
(k) establish, maintain and enforce standards for drug quality
control laboratories;
(l) advise the Minister on policies relating to the regulation
and control of medicines and allied substances;
(m) collaborate with corresponding medicines regulatory
authorities in other countries;
(n) in consultation with relevant research institutions,
determine national priorities in pharmaceutical research;
(o) do all such things as are connected with, or incidental to,
the functions of the Authority under this Act.
6. The Authority may—
(a) direct any pharmacy, health shop or agro-veterinary shop
or any person providing services relating to the
manufacture, importation, exportation, distribution and
sale of medicines and allied substances to deliver the
services in such manner as to ensure compliance with Powers of
this Act;
(b) require any pharmacy, health shop or agro-veterinary shop,
manufacturer, wholesale dealer, distributor, importer,
exporter or person to submit such information and records
as may be necessary to enable the Authority to monitor
the performance of the pharmacy, health shop, agroveterinary shop, manufacturer, wholesale dealer,
distributor, importer or exporter;
(c) consider any matter relating to the manufacture,
importation, exportation, distribution and sale of
medicines and allied substances and make
representations thereon to the Minister;
(d) declare certain substances as medicine; and
(e) determine the method of sale of medicines.
7. (1) There is hereby constituted a Board of the Authority
which shall consist of the following part-time members appointed
by the Minister: