Message from the Minister
The world is witnessing a revolution in information
and communications technology (ICT) the scope
of which stretches far beyond the realm of the
sector itself. No country seeking real, sustainable
development and progress can hope to achieve
these aims without a strong ICT sector in place
to drive the necessary change.
In the midst of this revolution in information
and communications technology, Egypt witnessed
a different kind of revolution at the beginning
of 2011: a peaceful, popular political and social
revolution. In the 25 January Revolution,
ICT tools and systems, and the use of social
networks in particular, played a major role
in events. This revolution changed not only
Egypt’s future path but also the way Egyptians
view ICT tools and systems, which have created
an important platform for expression of views
and in public affairs.
Various factors have contributed to boosting the
role of the internet in politics. In Egypt, internet
access has expanded significantly over recent
years among all sectors of society, particularly
among youth. Indeed, there has been a clear
transformation in internet usage patterns across
the Arab world in recent years, with a marked
increase in use of the internet as a means and
arena for political activity.
The ICT sector, in the next phase, should focus
on adapting ICTs to find solutions to issues of
concern to the community. While this process
has indeed already begun, the sector should
develop a community vision based on the principle
that development should occur not only in the
public service sector but also in the managerial


approach of the state and its constituent bodies.
This will allow Egypt to achieve a transformation
embracing digital citizenship in a technological
society that in its own way will be as impressive
and far reaching as the change brought about
by the 25 January Revolution.
I am looking forward to supporting the start of a
new era for the ICT sector in Egypt, building on
past successes and lessons learnt. I am confident
that more Egyptians will join the information
community, working together to establish
the foundations of a new economy based
on knowledge and sustainable development.
There are, of course, numerous factors to
consider in maximizing the role of the ICT
sector in development. In this new strategy, we
have therefore addressed a broad range of actions
in a framework of collective action, targeting greater
success and progress for the Egyptian ICT sector
and for the other sectors of the economy.
I would like to express my gratitude at being
offered the opportunity to take over the leadership of
the Ministry of Communications and Information
Technology (MCIT) at such a critical stage in
Egypt’s history.
I am pleased to present the National ICT Strategy
for 2012-2017, which results from the vision
and efforts of an integrated team working in
collaboration with various actors in the community.
I am honored to present this document to you
on behalf of the ministry, and to be part of the
team responsible for not only supporting the
future development of the national ICT sector,
but also for shaping up new Egypt.

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