Kenya Cyber Security Report 2015
Situational Awareness...
regular, repeatable development and
communication of the organisation’s knowledge
of its people, ICT infrastructure, threats,
incidents, and vulnerabilities.
professional in establishing cyber security situational
conducted a market survey to benchmark the current
awareness programs.
cyber security practices in Kenya.
Security professionals need to focus on establishing cyber
From the survey findings, we noted that respondents felt
security situational awareness within their respective
that most of the cyber security frameworks were global
organisations. Situational awareness refers to the regular,
in nature and failed to address local situations where
repeatable development and communication of the
many small organisations have unique information risk
organisation’s knowledge of its people, ICT infrastructure,
threats, incidents, and vulnerabilities. This capability
focuses on understanding the
cyber security posture of the
"With evolving
and dynamic
cyber-attacks, timely
sharing of cyber
incidents and
collaboration between
Government and
Industry will greatly
improve Kenya’s
Mr. Joseph Tiampati
organisation and driving
effective decision
More than 50% of the participants also
showed concern about the budgetary
and resource constraints to effectively
monitoring their ICT environment.
making at all levels.
In response to this, we have shared a simplified cyber
This year’s
report was
based on
security framework that will enable local organisations to
address major cyber security threats efficiently and proactively.
from our
We are very excited about this years report and we hope it
readers. As a
will provide you with new insights on the ever-changing
result of these
cyber security landscape.
feedback we
William Makatiani