12 No. 18
The Seeretariat

Tanzania Communications


8,-(I) There is hereby established a Secretariat of the Commission
which shall subject to this Act be the executive, technical and administrative organ of the Commission,
(2) The Secretariat shall be headed by a Director General who shall
be appointed by the President and shall hold office on such terms and
conditions, and for such period not less than five years, as may be
specified in the instrument of his appointment and shall be eligible for
(3) The Director General shall be responsible to the Commission for
the proper administration and management of the functions and affairs
. Commission in accordance with the policy laid down by the Com.
(4) If the Director General is temporarily absent from the United
Republic or temporarily incapacitated by reason of illness or for any
other reason temporarily unable to perform his duties, a person may be
appointed by the Commission to act in the place of the Director General
during any. such period of absence from duty.
(5) The Commission may, from time to time, appoint and employ on
such terms and conditions as the Commission may determine such other
officers and employees as may be necessary for the effective performance
of its functions.

Power to
issue licence and
telecornmunication systerns

q.-(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act the Commission shall
have the power of licensing and regulating telecommunication systems
and services in the United Republic.
(2) The power conferred on the Commission by sub-Section (1) shall(a) include the right to issue licences and to regulate the establishment, installation, use, working, maintenance, development,
construction, promotion, hiring and selling of telecommunication
systems and services; and
(b) extend to every vessel or aircraft registered in the United Republic and to every other vessel, aircraft and any vehicle, whether
mechanically propelled or not, in the United Republic.
(3) The power conferred under this Section shall not be infringed by(a) the running by any person solely for his own use or solely for
the purpose of his business (but not for providing any telecommunication service to another person) or telecommunication line
system in which all the equipment comprised therein is situated(i) on a single set of premises in a single occupation-, or
(ii) in a vessel, aircraft or vehicle or in two or more vessels,
aircraft or vehicles mechanically coupled together; or

Select target paragraph3