Electronic Communications Act, 2008

ACT 775

(a) a requirement for the effective and efficient use of scarce
resources such as radio frequencies, numbers and rights-ofway;
(b) the networks and services which the licensee is entitled to
operate or provide and the networks to which the licencee's
network can or cannot be connected; .
(c) the duration of the licence;
(d) the build out of the licensee's network and geographical and
subscriber targets for the provision of the licensee's services,
(e) provision of telephone numbers for emergency services;
(f) obligations to provide certain information to the Authority
for regulatory and statistical purposes and to make public
non-proprietary information;
(g) obligations that relate to customer protection;
(h) obligations to provide customer database information for a
universal directory;
(i) the provision of services to rural or sparsely populated areas
or other specified areas in which it would otherwise be
uneconomical to provide service;
(j) the provision of services to persons with disability and other
social responsibility obligations;
(k) contribution towards the provision of universal service and
(l) the payment of licence fees;
(m)obligations that relate to interconnection of networks and
interoperability of
avoidance of harmful interference;
(n) infrastructure sharing obligations;
(o) the control of anti-competitive conduct on the part of the
(p) the provision to the Authority of documents and information
required by the Authority for the performance of its
(q) the publication by the licensee of its charges and other terms
and conditions of doing business;


Select target paragraph3