Electronic Communications Act, 2008

ACT 775


the procedures for the administrative adjudication,
mediation or arbitration of disputes between operators and
their subscribers, and
(e) for the determination of breaches of the Regulations or
conditions of the frequency authorisation and the nature of
sanctions, impositions, warnings and other penalties in
respect of the breaches.
(7) The Authority shall publish the Regulations on its website.
(8) The Authority shall conduct or cause to be conducted research
into the social, economic, cultural and technical issues relating to
broadcasting to guide the Authority to carry out its mandate.
(9) In pursuit of its mandate, the Authority shall pay particular
attention to the provisions of Chapter 12 of the Constitution.
Licence and frequency authorisation
Requirement for a licence for public electronic communications service
3. (1) Except as otherwise provided under this Act a person shall not
operate a public electronic communications service or network or provide
a voice telephony service without a licence granted by the Authority.
(2) A person who wishes to operate a network or provide a service
described in subsection (1) shall apply to the Authority in the manner
specified in Regulations made under this Act.
(3) The Authority may grant or refuse an application for a licence
based on policies and rules published from time to time.
(4) The Authority shall cause a notice to be published in the Gazette
and on its website on the receipt, grant or refusal of a licence.
(5) Where an application for a licence is refused, the Authority shall
notify the applicant in writing of its decision and the reasons for the
refusal within seven days of the refusal.
(6) The terms of a licence shall be made available to the public at
the office of the Authority and on the website of the Authority and a
member of the public may obtain a copy or an extract of the terms on
payment of the prescribed fee.
(7) The Authority shall determine applications for licences in a nondiscriminatory and transparent manner.


Select target paragraph3