Part One
General Provisions
Article (1)
Libya is an independent Democratic State wherein the people are the source of powers. The city
of Tripoli shall be the capital of the State. Islam is the Religion of the State and the principal
source of legislation is Islamic Jurisprudence (Shari'a). The State shall guarantee for nonMoslems the freedom of practicing religious rituals .Arabic is its official language. The State
shall guarantee the cultural rights for all components of the Libyan society and its languages
shall be deemed national ones.
Article (2)
The law shall prescribe the emblem and national anthem of the State.
Article (3)
The national flag shall have the following shape and dimensions:
Its length shall be double its width, it shall be divided into three parallel colored stripes, the
uppermost being red, the centre black and the lowest green, the black stripe shall be equal in area
to the two other stripes together and shall bear in its centre a white crescent, between the two
extremities of which there shall be a five-pointed white star.
Article (4)
The State shall seek to establish a political democratic regime to be based upon the political
multitude and multi party system in a view of achieving peaceful and democratic circulation of
Article (5)
The family is the basis of society and shall be entitled to protection by the State. The State shall
also protect and encourage marriage. The State shall guarantee the protection of motherhood,
childhood and the elderly. The State shall take care of children, youth and the handicapped.
Article (6)
Libyans shall be equal before the law. They shall enjoy equal civil and political rights, shall have
the same opportunities, and be subject to the same public duties and obligations, without
discrimination due to religion, doctrine, language, wealth, race, kinship, political opinions, and
social status, tribal or eminent or familial loyalty.

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