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0001.1:",UJ:l:A mf,'" n".,,..a- "A+lO,. A"tA
Federal NegaritGazeta-No.
62 291bJune, 1999-Page 1128
The Duty to Respect the Right to Reply
1) The broadcaster is duty bound to respect the right of
a person to give reply concerning an issue when he
alleges that a transmitted programme has
(am- .-.A.,..c;, ooA.-. Aoo'-'m-}o lAiJJ.") oo-o-}o
on his right or failed to be presented
",hne "AO-}o..
01.r.>~11'-''''~ ooA.-. (a~m- f"t(amm-") OOA.-.0.,.
2) The broadcaster has an obligation to clearly trans001l)1I)~'i n.,.oo/t/tf,
1.'&' n.,AA'" f"''-'.,.''Att:
mit the reply statement in a proportional and similar
., 1..:"
"A n
f ;rAi:11 Tr.>.,~.'fO'f")',. oo.,AAt.9''f") "'A"'IP~.g;).-}o
40. Transmission of political Programmes and Statements
I) Every broadcaster shall allocate free air 'time, for
"7")~:m-'" of.r.>~I1"''''C ".,,..iI ,..Am- ih., oolPl-}o
political parties and candidates registeied in accordf ;r Ai:11 ;rCi: 9''f'i
"'001'''' nm. f"7. "}+/t.,
ance with the relevant law, to publicize their
f?'"CAt. .,.m.c;p,I.9':Y' n,..e:At. m~'''' ,,,,,,:fm-")'i
objectives and programmes to the people or transTC:°lt..'fO~:fID'''} Aih1'of. "")Jl.r,-",."m-cf: mf,"
mit statements during election period. The im~., f"fC 1.'&' oooo1.iI
ooo'AAt. "")Jl.r'-''''''A4plementation shall be set out by a directive to be
"An."': ",L~~QDo'" t..:f.")(a.m- n"t.rwlI)m- 0000
issued by the Agency.
I..r oolPl-}o f,tl)(a'iAI:
2) Without prejudice to Sub-Article (1) of this Article,
f.U} ""}+A'" "}o
""}+A'" (i) 1:");J1. "")1."'mn+
any political party or candidate can transmit
.r'i "7"}~m-'" f;'-'A":I1,TCi: mf,,.. c)~ "'m.c;.cs~
political advertisement.
f;'-' A'1:11"7'-'.of-m<t,r "7 "''''''A tt: f,'f"A I:
3) The charges for political advertisement shall not
r' A;'-'A-I:11"7'-':"m<t,r f"lmf+mhtt:,r A"}..,1:
exceed that of commercial advertisement.
"7"':"m<t,r h"7.mf+m- hC;:,r,,-nA1' "f,'fA"11
4) The party or private candidate provided with air
9.' f P'c."..-}o 'UI. f,"(amm- ,TCi: mf,,.. "'m.cs.c;~
time shall be responsible for the legality of the
o'A(aof. A"'IP(..t.U.ID' Tr.>..,(..,.. mf,,.. oo"'AAt.
programme or statement transmitted.
ih;l'P.~''''~"4. f,I",'/A::
h "':/A ...1:
Miscellaneuous Provisions
41. Powerof Inspection
I) The Agency can assign inspectors who enable it to
cf:1'1'C f"71: l.., P' /AII)"}
ensure that the provisions of this Proclamation and
Ii. t..:~:'}""m- flU} "cp~ 1:"};J1.9''f'i (UlU "cp~
decisions rendered in accordance with this
00 "'l')' f(all):,:m. fD./t~9''f oohn~.:fm-"} A",l
Ptoclamation have been respected.
;11'1' "- ,,}'-"J:hi'r.':}",,} Aoooo1.o1.f,'f"/A::
2) An inspector assigned in accordance with sub~. (IIlU ""}+A'" "}O.'" ""}+A'" (i) oolPl-}of.,.oo1.n
Article (I) of this provision is empowered to enter
and inspect a broadcasting service organization
"- ")""I:h'N: fo()(~'.r.'I1""'" "1A ..,1\":" n"?Jl1t1:
y,,'c:e.:')- 10-""1' np'(.. (a''''' 1\00..,.)0).'1' <l:1'1'C
during working hours.
l\"7f:I.'" f,:Y'''/A::
3) The inspector is empowered to examine any
")...'1:h ,,.~ "7,,}~ fD."},.. f iI C"1:11""'" 00 PI~.r 1\00
broadcasting instruments, refer to relevant
OOCOOC:"..,'N. ,r":':fD'''} (a~"'f l\"7f:"'i ~~mdocuments and demand a copy thereof.
")Jl(am~ A- m f:" f,:Y'"/AI:
4) When the inspector enters into the inspection site.
he shall show his work authorization and identity
!~. ".,,}""r:h"'~
.~'I"I'C m1."7..r1.c..,n:"
AP' /,.(D' f,,.mhAn:""}'i
foo :Jom<t.r
mI.""':,,} "7/tf.). "l\n:"l:
I) Unless a higher penalty is provided for in the Penal
(a) Whosoever is found guilty of violating
ii' nm'}:f.A~ 00~6.1 iho, fnl\m ~II):" f"7.,r"'+1I)
11/Alr~ n ,..,.c:
Article 17 (1) of this Proclamation shall be
u) fllU,,} "cp~ ,,"}.,.~. :t~(li) noo"'''AC;: '1'4-''''
punishable with imprisonment not less than
f ,L~OO"7"}~fD.S'D(am- hr'oo"', n"7,r")...'i hli
three years but not exceeding five years and
with fine not less than Birr 10,000 and not
'00"" n"7f,n/A1' "P'(
"'I' hilC Iit n""
exceeding Birr 20,000.
,,}'-''i ho1.C ?lit n"7f,nA1' f1")"0(1 oo+~
Any licensee who is found guilty of violating
f,"'1I) A II
Article 37 or 39 of this Procl~mation shall be
A) flUn "CPJ~'""}+A'" r!j~ mf," r!ji! noo"'''AC;:
punishable with imprisonment not less than
'1'4-"" f ,L~uP '.I\,L..+~ hi '00:" n"71"}"''i
one year but not exceeding three years and
hr'oo:" n"7f,nA1' "p'~.:"'i hilC ~it n"?l
with fine not less than Birr 5,000 and not
")'-''1' hile: :r:it n"7f,nA1' f1")"iI oo+~
Birr 10,000.
f,"'1I) /A::
/Af.. /Af. y"."};l1,sp'f