2. Short title, extent and commencement
i) These guidelines shall be referred to as:
‘Guidelines for Sharing of Fiber and Duct Infrastructure, 2012.’
ii) These guidelines shall be applicable to all licensed operators and
service providers in the telecommunications sector who own or
control fiber and/or duct installations and/or wish to get access and
make use of such infrastructure. These guidelines refer to passive
infrastructure sharing as defined below.
iii) These guidelines shall come into force with effect from 01 April 2012

3. Definitions
(a) Active infrastructure Sharing: Active infrastructure sharing is the
sharing of electronic infrastructure and facilities. This may include
sharing of transmission equipment, microwave radio equipment,
spectrum, antennae, feeder cables, Radio Access Network (RAN), billing
platforms, switching centers, routers, Base Station Equipment, Base
Station Controller (BSC) /Radio Network Controller (RNC), optical
Fiber/ wired access and backbone transmission network, database etc.
(b) Authority: Means Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Agency (RURA)
(c) Infrastructure provider: Means any telecommunication operator or
service provider, who owns or is in control of a facility or infrastructure
to which another operator or service provider desires to get into an
agreement for the purposes of collocation or infrastructure sharing.
(d) Infrastructure seeker: Means any telecommunication operator or
service provider who desires to get into an agreement with another
telecommunication operator or service provider, who owns or is in
control of telecommunication’s infrastructure and facilities, for the
purpose of collocation or infrastructure sharing.
(e) Passive Infrastructure sharing: Passive infrastructure sharing is the
sharing of non-electronic infrastructure and facility. This may include
dark fiber, ducts (for the installation of optical fiber), sharing of
physical sites, buildings, shelters, towers/masts, electric power supply
and battery backup, grounding/earthing, air conditioning, security
arrangement, poles, trenches.


Select target paragraph3