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(6) The member presiding as chairman at a meeting of the commission shall have a deliberative vote as well as a
casting vote.
(7) Three members present at a meeting of the commission shall constitute a quorum and a decision of a majority of
members of the commission present at a meeting shall be deemed to be a decision of the commission.

(8) A member of the commission shall vacate his office (a) if he has been absent from three consecutive meetings of the commission without the permission oHhe
chairman; or
(b) if he is in the opinion of the Minister unable or unfit to discharge the functions and duties of a member of
the commission.
4. (1) The commission may(a) make a list of all objects whose proclamation under section 8 it considers desirable;
(b) take steps to ascertain the owners of any object;
(c) purchase or otherwise acquire any such object or by agreement with the Government or any public body
or with any private person having the ownership or control of any such object, take such 'steps as may
be practicable to preserve it ;
(d) take steps for the erection of tablets in suitable places giving information in both official languages of
Lesotho about historical events which occurred at such places;
(e) assume control over any such object if requested by the person having the ownership or control thereof
so to do, and as trustee for the Government accept any such object which the owner desires to donate
or has bequeathed to the Government;
(f) preserve, repair, restore or insure any monument, relic, or antique under Its control;
(g) lend any such relic or antique-to any museum or other public institution,;'
(h) recommend to the Minister the proclamation of anY sueh objects In terms of section 8 ; and
(i) through any of its members have access at aU reasonable times to any monument or relic proclaimed
. .
under section 8.
(2) The commission shall (a) when required by the Minister investigate,and report upon any matter relating to any object proclaimed
under section 8 or upon the desirability/of so proclaiming any object ;
(b) on or before the thirty-first day of·;Oecember in eVery year furnish to the Minister a report upon its work
during the year ended on thirty.:.first day of1'i/larch last preceding and on any other matters connected
with the preservation of monuments, relics and antiques which it may desire to bring to the attention of
the Minister; and
(c) make a register of all the monuments, relics, antiques, fauna, and flora proclaimed as such under
section 8.

5. No remuneration shall be paid to the menibers of the commission, but each member may draw from the funds of
the commission his reasonable expenses for travelling and subsistence while engaged upon the business of the
commission at such rates as the Minister'may prescribe.

6. The funds of the commission shall consist of such grants, donations, fees, and annual subscriptions as may from
time to time be made to it or be payable to it.

7. Save with written consentof1he Minister, the commission shall not alienate, hypothecate, or let any object which is
its property or for which it is trustee as aforesaid.

8. The Minister may from time to time on the recommendation of the commission by notice in the Gazette, proclaim to
be(a) a monument, any area of land having a distinctive or beautiful scenery or geological formation, any area
of land containing a rare or distinctive or beautiful flora or fauna, any area of land containing objects of
archeological, historical or scientific interest, any waterfall, cave, grotto, avenue of trees, old tree or old
building and any other object (whether natural or constructed by man) of aesthetic, historical,
archeological or scientific value or interest;
(b) a relic, any fossil of any kind, any drawing of painting on stone or petroglyph known or commonly
believed to have been executed by Bushmen or other aborigines of southern Africa or by any people
who inhabited or visited southern Africa in ancient days, and any implement or ornament known or
commonly believed to have been used by them and any anthropological or archeological contents of the
graves, caves, rock, shelters, middens, shell mounds or other sites used by them;

Select target paragraph3