7. Clerical mistakes in judgments or orders, or errors arising therein from any accidental slip or omission, may at
any time be corrected by the Court or a Judge in chambers on motion or summons without an appeal.
Order 27
Default of Pleadings
1. If the plaintiff, being bound by these Rules or an order of Court or a Judge in chambers to file a statement of
claim, does not file it within the time allowed for that purpose, the defendant may, at the expiration of that time,
apply to the Court or a Judge in chambers to dismiss the action with costs, for want of prosecution and on
hearing that application, the Court or Judge may, if no statement of claim has been filed, order the action to be
dismissed accordingly or may make such other order on such terms as the Court or Judge thinks just.
2. (1) If the plaintiff s claim be only for a debt or liquidated demand and the defendant does not, within the time
allowed by these Rules or an order of Court or a Judge in chambers for that purpose, file a defence, the plaintiff
may, at the expiration of such time, apply for final judgment for the amount claimed, with costs.
(2) In actions by a moneylender or an assignee for the recovery of money lent by a moneylender or the
enforcement of any agreement or security relating to any such money, judgment shall not be entered in default of
defence except in accordance with the provisions of Order 14 rule 9 of these Rules.
3. When in any action for a debt or liquidated demand there are several defendants, if one of them makes default
as mentioned in rule 2(l) of this Order, the plaintiff may, subject to rule 2(2) of this Order, have final judgment
entered against the defendant so making default, and issue execution upon that judgment without prejudice to his
4. Where the plaintiff's claim against a defendant is for unliquidated, damages only, then, if that defendant makes
default in pleading, the plaintiff may, after the expiration of the period fixed as aforesaid, for service of defence,
have judgment entered against that defendant for damages to be assessed by the Court and costs and may
proceed with the action against the other defendants, if any.
5. Where the plaintiff's claim against the defendant relates to the detention of goods only, then, if the defendant
makes default in pleading, the plaintiff may, after the expiration of the period fixed as aforesaid for service of the
defence, have entered either judgment(a) against the defendant for the delivery of the goods or their value to be assessed by the Court and costs; or
(b) for the value of the goods to be assessed by the Court and costs, and in either case he may proceed with the
action against the other defendants, if any.
6. (1) Where the plaintiff's claim against a defendant is for the possession of land only, then, if the defendant
makes default in pleading, the plaintiff may, after the expiration of the period fixed as aforesaid for service of the
defence and on producing a certificate by his legal practitioner or (if he sues in person) an affidavit, stating that
he is not claiming any relief in the action of the nature of mortgage action, have judgment entered for possession
of the land as against the defendant and for costs and proceed with the action against the other defendants, if any.
(2) Where there are more than one defendant, judgment entered under this rule shall not be enforced against any
defendant unless and until judgment for the possession of the land has been entered against all the defendants.
7. Where the plaintiff makes against a defendant two or more of the claims mentioned in rules 2 to 6 of this
Order, and no other claim, then if the defendant fails to serve a defence on the plaintiff, the plaintiff may, after
the expiration of the period fixed as aforesaid for service of the defence, have entered against the defendant such
judgment in respect of each such claim as he would be entitled to under those Rules if that were the only claim
made and proceed with the action against the other defendants, if any.
8. (1) Where the plaintiff makes against a defendant or defendants a claim of a description not mentioned in rules
2 to 6 of this Order, then if the defendant or all the defendants (where there are more than one) fails or fail to
serve a defence on the plaintiff, the plaintiff may, after the expiration of the period fixed as aforesaid for service
of the defence, apply to the Court for judgment and on the hearing of the application, the Court shall give such
judgment as the plaintiff appears entitled to on his statement of claim.

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