writing, may inspect the numbering plan without paying the prescribed fee.
6. Compliance with numbering and address plans.
(1) A licensee shall apply and abide by the numbering plan prescribed by the
(2) The Commission may, before developing a numbering plan, consult with
licensees in respect of—
(a) arrangements for the allocation and re-allocation of numbers within the initial
numbering plan; and
(b) additions to, or replacement of the initial numbering plan.
(3) The Commission shall, at least six months before prescribing a new numbering
plan give notice to licensees and the general public in the Gazette and any other
media that the Commission considers appropriate.
7. Obligations of licensees.
(1) All licensees shall use the communication numbers and addresses assigned by
the Commission in accordance with the National Communication Numbering and
Address Plan and ensure that the resources are—
(a) utilized efficiently;
(b) limited to provision of communication services;
(c) utilized in a manner that ensures that communications systems and services are
(d) utilized and paid for as prescribed by the Commission; and
(e) not transferred without the prior written consent of the Commission.
8. Communications numbering and electronic address plan.
(1) The National Communication Numbering and Address Plan shall include
communication numbers and addresses used to identify(a) electronic communications networks;

Select target paragraph3