No. 16 of 1980]

De8ig1UJ (AmmIJlment)

of .eotion 21

6. Section twenty-one of the prlncipel Act is amended in
subsections (1), (2) and (4) by the deletion of "l'ribunal" and
the substitution therefor of " High Court ",

of seotion 22

7. Section lwenty-tn'o of the principal Aot is amended in
subsection (5) by the deletion of .. Tribunal or tho Court" and
the substitution therefor of "High Court or the Supreme

of section 24

8.	 Section twentY10ur of the principal Aot is amendod­
(a)	 ill subsections (1) and (2) by tho deletion of" Trlbunal "
and tho substitution thorofor of .. High Court";
(b)	 by tho deletion of subsection (3);
(c)	 in subsection (.1) by the deletion of "Trlbunal " and
the substitution therefor of " High Court,",

of sootion 27

9, Section lwentll-ReVCn of tho principal Aot is amended in
subseotion (2) by the deletion of .. 'I'ribuuc! or by the Court"
and the substitution therefor of" High Court or by the Supreme

Repeal nnd
of sootion 33
Power of
RegistrAr to
award oosts

Repeal and
of section 35
High Court
to honr

10, The principal Act is amended by the repeal of aeotion

thirty-three and the substitution thorefor of' the following
33. In all proceedings before the Registra.r under this
Act. the Registrar shall have power to award to any pa.rty
such costs as he may consider reasonable and to direct
how and by what parties they are to bo paid. and any costs
so awarded shall be taxed by tho High Court and payment
thereof may be enforced in the same manner as 1£ they
were costs allowed by the High Court,

11. The principal Act is amended by the repeal of section
thirtY-five and the substitution therefor of the following aeotion:
35. 'Vhore this Act provides for an appeal from 0.
decision of tho Registrar, such appeal shall be made to the
High Court.

Repeal of
sootiona 36
and 37

12. The principal Act is amended by the repeal of sections
thirty-six and thirty-seven.

of aootion 38

13. The principal Act is amended by the repeal of section
thirty-eiuht and the substitution therefor of the following

Rules of

38. The· Chief -Iustioe may. by statutory instrument,
make rules regulating the practice and procedure relating
to nppeals or references to the High Court or the Supreme
Court. as the case may be. as to­
(a)	 the time within which an~' requirement of the
rules is to be complied with;

Select target paragraph3