Unofficial translaction
ARTICLE 231-The compensatory allowance shall be equal to a minimumof:

one month of commission as from the first fully executed contract year;


two months of commission as from the second fully executed contract year;


Three months of commission as from the third fully executed contract year.

The compensatory allowance shall be fixed freely between the commercial agent and his
principal beyond the third completely fully executed contract year.
Failing agreement, it may not be less than three months of commission.
Themonthly payment totake into accountforthecalculationofthe compensationisthatoftheaverage
of the last twelve months of the execution ofthe mandate.
These provisions shall not apply when the contract is terminated due to misconduct by an agent
or the occurrence of an event of force majeure.
ARTICLE 232–Any clause or agreement derogating from the provisions of articles 186 to 189
above shall be deemed unenforceable against the commercial agent.
ARTICLE 233-Each party is required to return, at the end of the contract, everything which
was given to him for the duration of this contract, either by the other party, or by third parties
on behalf of the other party, without prejudice to the right of retention for either one of the

ARTICLE 234-The provisions of this Book shall govern contracts of sale of goods between
merchants, natural persons or legal entities, including contracts for supply of goods intended for
manufacturing activities orproduction.
Unless otherwise stipulated, the commercial sale contractshall be subject to the provisions of
this Book insofar asthe contractors have their registered office in one of the States parties or
when the rules of private international law lead to the application of the law of a State party.
ARTICLE 235-The provisions of this Book shall not govern:
OHADA / Uniform Act / Unofficial Translations

P. - 64 - of 78

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