Unofficial translaction
following closely the advice received.
The agent must act in the way that best serves the interests of the principal and observance of
trade practices.
ARTICLE 194– The commission agent must act fairly on behalf of the principal. He shall not
purchase, for his own account, goods that he is supposed to sell or sell his own goods to the
ARTCILE 195-Thecommission agent must give the principal all useful information on the
operation, object of the commission, and give an account of his actions until the completion of
the operation.
ARTICLE 196-The principal must pay the agent remuneration or commission that is due as
soon as the mandate is executed, and, irrespective of the outcome of the operation, subject to
the rules ofcontractual responsibility.
ARTICLE 197-The principal must reimburse the commission agent for costs and normal
expenses incurred by the latter, provided that they have been useful to the operation, and that
they are accompanied by supporting documents.
ARTICLE198-Allagents shall have a lien on all goods that he holds with respect to all his
ARTICLE 199-When the goods shipped on commission to be sold are in a clearly defective
condition, the agent must safeguard the rights of appeal against the carrier, have the damage
recorded, do his best to preserve the goods and notify the principal, without delay.
Failing that, he shall be liable for the damage caused by his own negligence.
When there is reason to fear that goods shipped on commissionfor sale willdeteriorate
quickly,andifthe interestofprincipal so requires,theagent has an obligation tosell them.
ARTICLE200-Thecommission agent who made the sale hereinafter the minimum price set by
the principal shall be liable for the difference, unless he proves that by selling that way, he has
saved the principal from damage, and that the circumstances prevented him from respecting his
If he is at fault, he must repair the damage caused by breaching thecontract.
Thecommission agent who buysat a low price or overprices while selling contrary to the orders
of the principal, shall not benefit from thedifference.
ARTICLE201-Thecommission agent shall act at his own perilif,withouttheconsent of the

OHADA / Uniform Act / Unofficial Translations

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