Unofficial translaction
act, ormeansto act, usuallyandprofessionally on behalf of another person,merchantor not, in
order to conclude a legal act of commercial nature with a third party.
ARTICLE 170-The commercial intermediary is amerchant; he is subject to conditions set
forthin articles 6 to 12 of this uniform Act.
Conditions for access to the professions of commercial intermediaries may also be
supplemented by conditions specific to each of the categories of intermediaries referred to in this
ARTICLE 171-The provisions of this Book shall govern not only the conclusion of contracts
by the commercial intermediary, but also any act he realizes for the conclusion or execution of
such contracts.
Theyshall also govern relationsbetweenallthepeopleforwhom the intermediaryacts, and relations
between these people and the intermediaryhimself.
They shall apply whether the intermediary acts in his own name, as an agent or broker, or on
behalf of the principal he represents, as a commercial agent.
ARTICLE172-Theprovisionsof this Bookshall applyevenifthe principal,or the third party
referred to in article 169 above, have their establishments in States other than those signatories
of this uniform Act, insofar as either:
a) the intermediary is registered at the Registerof Commerce and Securities of one of the
States Parties;
b) or the intermediary acts on the territory of one of the States Parties;
c) Or the rules of private international law lead to the application of this uniform Act.
ARTICLE 173-The provisions of this Book shall not apply to:
a) therepresentation resulting from a legal or judicialauthorization to act on behalf of
individuals who do not have the legal capacity to act;
b) the representation by anyone conducting auctions, or by an administration or court
c) Thelegal representationinfamily law,ofmatrimonialandsuccession regimes.
ARTICLE 174-The provisions of this Book shall not apply to officers of corporations,
associations or other groups with legal personality, which are legal representatives.
OHADA / Uniform Act / Unofficial Translations
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