Unofficial translaction
ARTICLE 109- The lessor shall be liable to the lessee for disturbances occurred due to his
actions, or due to his successors or attendants.
ARTICLE 110- The lease shall not be terminated by the cessation of the lessor’s rights to the
leased premises.
Inthiscase,thenewlessorshall automatically assume theobligationsofthe former lessor and
continue with the lease.
ARTICLE111- The lease shall not be terminated by the death of one or the other ofparties.
In case of death of the lessee, a natural person, the lease shall continue with spouses,
immediateascendants or descendants, who have made the request to the lessorserved by a bailiff
or any means establishing actual receipt by the addressee, within a period of three months after
the death.
In case of plurality of requests, the lessor may seize the competent court, ruling expeditiously,
to appoint a successor in the lease.
In the absence of any claim within this period of three months, the lease shall be terminated
ipso jure.
The dissolution of the legal entity lessee shall not entailautomatic termination of the lease of
buildings devoted to the activity of lessee. The liquidator is required to execute the obligations
of the lessee, under conditions set by the parties. The lease shall be terminatedipso
jureafteraformal notice sent to theliquidatorremainswithouteffectfor morethan sixty (60) days.
ARTICLE 112- In return for occupying the leased premises, the lessee must pay rent pursuant
to terms agreed with the lessor or his duly mandated representative.
Payment of rent may be made by correspondence or electronically.
ARTICLE 113-The lessee is required to treat the leased premises in good faith in accordance
with the use provided for in the lease or, absent a written agreement, following the presumed
use according to circumstances.
Howeveritispossible that the lessee has to add related or complementary activities to the one
stipulated in the leaseat the time of signature.Thelessee shall expressly advisethe lessor who
may oppose such movefor good reason.
In the event of change of activity stipulated in the lease, the lessee must obtain the express prior

OHADA / Uniform Act / Unofficial Translations

P. - 41 - of 78

Select target paragraph3