Unofficial translaction
Entrepreneursmay only begin their activity after receipt of thenumber of the declaration of
activity that must appear on their invoices, purchase orders, price lists and documents or
professional correspondence, followed by the Register of Commerce and Securities which
registered their declaration and the words “entrepreneur exempted from registration”.
The statements of change in activity or place of businessas well as the declaration of removal
shall be addressed in the same manner and, free of charge, to the clerk of the competent court or
to the competent body in the State party.
ARTICLE 63-In support of his declaration, the applicant is required to provide the following
supporting documents regardless of their form and support:
1) an extract of his birth certificate or any administrative document to prove his identity;
2) an extract of his marriage certificate, where necessary;
3) a solemn declaration signed by the applicant stating and attesting that:
if he is a merchant, he is not subject to any of the bansprovided for in article10above.
If he is not a merchant, he has not been banned from carrying out any activity relating to
his profession and he is not subject to any conviction for offenses provided for in article
10 above.
Such solemn declaration shall be made within a period of seventy-five (75) days from the date of
the registration, by submitting an extract of criminal records or,a document serving in lieu.
4) a certificate of residence;
5) Where applicable, prior authorization to carry on the activity of the declarant.
ARTICLE 64-Declaration of a natural person or legal entity shall be personal.
No-one shall be declared as a principal at multiple registers or at the same register under several
Entrepreneursshall not be registered at the same time in the Register of Commerce and
Securities. They shall not have the same status as natural persons registered at the Register of
Commerce and Securities.
ARTICLE 65-The natural person who meets the declarative obligations set forth in articles 62
to 64 above shall be presumed to have the status of entrepreneur.
As such, he shall benefit fromthe provisions of:
OHADA / Uniform Act / Unofficial Translations
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