5.8 Management and allocation of domain names
(1) The registry allocates domain names on demand, on the principle of "first come,
first served".
(2) The registry is not responsible for verifying whether applicants are entitled to
use the combination of letters and numbers that make up the requested domain
name. Disputes concerning private rights which other parties may hold thereto
shall be governed by applicable laws.
5.9 Record of Activities
(1) The registry shall maintain a record of all their activities in connection with the
allocation, revocation and retirement of Internet resources.
(2) The registry shall conserve the recorded data and supporting documents for a
period of ten years.
(3) The registry shall provide the regulator with any and all information and
documents that may be necessary for the execution of the present guidelines.
In particular, the regulator may request a list of the allocated Internet resources
and a copy of the record of activities.
(4) The registry shall communicate free of charge to the regulator such information
as may be necessary for the purpose of establishing official statistics.
5.10 Rules for assigning domain names
(1) Rules for the assignment of domain names under the .rw country code top level
domain shall be drawn up by the registry.
(2) The registration of domain names under the .rw country code should be
restricted to entities or persons resident in the country.
(3) The assignment rules shall be available to the general public and at a minimum
shall be so designed that they:
a) ensure high technical quality;
b) are non-discriminatory;
c) are open to inspection;
d) promote predictability;
e) promote protection of personal data and consumer interests;
f) promote the interests of Internet users, individually and as a group; and
g) promote national interests and allow for international developments in the
(4) Before assignment rules are adopted or altered, opinions shall be obtained from
representatives of the users and from the regulator.
Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Agency