The rapid advancements in the field of Information Technology (IT) and the
resultant explosive growth of the information services sector have radically
changed the world’s economic and social landscape. These changes have
given rise to a new society based on information and knowledge. This has
further resulted in new avenues of development, employment, productivity,
efficiency, and enhanced economic growth.
Globally, IT-led growth is creating jobs, raising productivity, increasing
incomes and opening many opportunities for increased trade and human
development. Extensive application of information technology now provides
opportunities for new ways to create wealth thus contributing significantly to
poverty alleviation.
The Government recognizes that there is a growing digital divide between
the countries that are highly endowed and developed in the field of
information technology and Kenya as well as between rural and urban areas
in the country. It is therefore, the objective of the Government to initiate steps
to reduce this divide by using information technology to rapidly develop all
sectors of the economy.
The Government recognises information as a resource which must be
generated, collected, organized, leveraged, secured and preserved for
national prosperity.
The broad-objectives of the IT policy include:
a) Ensuring that IT plays a key role as an empowerment tool, addressing
gaps relating to gender, youth, people with special needs, rural and urban
and disadvantaged groups, and as a literacy tool for the population and
potential users;
b) Fostering the use of IT to promote tourism and protect Kenyan social
values, culture, and environment;


Select target paragraph3