12. Notification of registration of licence
The Registrar shall notify in writing of the registration of a licence to the owner and the owner shall notify other
licensees whose names appear in the register in respect of the same work.
13. Licensing of reserved works of folklore
(1) An application for the registration of a licence on reserved works of folklore shall be made in form CNR 4.
(2). An application in terms of subsection (1) shall—
(a) contain the name, address and nationality of the licensee, and
(b) be accompanied by an instrument under which the licence is claimed; and
(c) be accompanied by any other document that the Registrar may require.
14. Collecting societies
(1) An application for the registration of a collecting society other than the Copyright and Neighbouring Rights
Collecting Society of Zimbabwe shall be male in form CNR 5 and be accompanied by a fee prescribed in the Second
(2) An application in terms of subsection (1) shall contain the following information —
(a) name and business address of the society; and
(b) information as to the legal status of the society; and
(c) the class or classes of works that the society owns the copyright or whose copyright the society represents or
intends to represent, the rapatoire the society represent in Zimbabwe; and
(d) the memorandum and articles of association of the company, and
(e) a schedule containing the names, addresses, nationalities and qualifications of each of the management
committee members; and
(t) a statement of financial position of the society as pre scribed in Form CNR 6; and
(g) a declaration by the management committee of the society’s ability to ensuring the enforcement of the rights
of the owners of the copyright, and
(h) a schedule of names and addresses of copyright owners that the society has running contracts, in the dates
when those contracts expire; and
(i) the constitution of the society.
15. Restoration of the society on the register
(1) A society which has been removed from the Register of the collecting societies may, within a period of one
year from the date of removal, apply to the Registrar in form CNR 7 for its restoration on the Register and shall pay a
fee as prescribed in the Second Schedule.
(2) An application in terms of subsection (1) shall be accompanied by—
(a) an affidavit giving reasons for the society’s non-compliance with these regulations or the Act which resulted
in its removal from the Register..
(b) any other document the Registrar may require.
16. Fees
No document shall be considered to have been lodged unless the fees prescribed in the Second Schedule, as
amended from time to time by the Minister, have been paid.
17. Designated countries
The following shall be designated countries—
(a) any member of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Copyright Works;
(b) any member of the Agreement on Trade Related Aspect of Intellectual Property (TRIPS Agreement).

Select target paragraph3