• Freedom of assembly
• Freedom of association
• Freedom of movement
PDF generated: 18 Apr 2016, 15:25
Article 5
The State recognizes and guarantees, within the conditions determined by law, the
freedom to come and go, the free choice of residence, freedom of association, to
assemble, to have a following and to demonstrate.
• Right to privacy
• Inalienable rights
Article 6
The domicile, domain (people and things), private and family life, secrecy of
correspondence and communication shall be inviolable.
These areas shall only be touched within conditions preordained by the law.
• Freedom of press
Article 7
Freedom of the press shall be recognized and guaranteed.
It shall be exercised within conditions determined by law.
• State operation of the media
• Media commission
• Reference to art
• Right to culture
Equal access for all to the State media shall be assured by an independent organ
who's regulations shall be established by an organic law.
Article 8
Freedom of artistic and cultural creation shall be recognized and guaranteed.
It shall be exercised within conditions established by the law.
Article 9
Punishment shall be personal.
• Protection from ex post facto laws
• Principle of no punishment without law
No one shall be pursued, arrested or accused except by virtue of a law promulgated
anterior to the acts for which he is reproached.
• Presumption of innocence in trials
The accused shall be presumed innocent until his culpability is determined by the
competent jurisdiction.
• Right to counsel
The right to a defense shall encompass the assistance of the advocate of the
defendant's choice after the preliminary investigation.
• Protection from unjustified restraint
Article 10
Every person detained shall have the right to examination by the doctor of his
No one shall be detained for a period of more than forty eight hours except by
justifiable decision of a Magistrate of the judicial order.
No one shall be detained in a penal institution except by mandate delivered by a
Magistrate of the judicial order.
Article 11
Everything not prohibited by law shall not be hindered and no one shall be forced to
do that which it (the law) does not order.
Mali 1992
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