Benin ICT Sector Performance Review 2009/2010

To have qualified human resources, the condition sine qua non for the fulfilment of the State
strategic vision, it will be necessary to act along three axes:

To promote the creation of engineer training subsidiaries of which the profile corresponds
to convergence trades (voice, data, sound and video) in order to create a critical mass of ICT
specialists capable of drawing direct investments to Benin.


To promote professional certification in the profession such as network configuration and
administration, the design and administration of data bases and the mastery of
development tools in order to offer internationally recognized qualifications on the market.
To this purpose, the creation of recognized test centres will be encouraged so that the
Beninese will not have to go to other countries in order to take their exams.


To promote training in emerging occupations. The availability of these qualifications will
make Benin more attractive as it will avoid companies investing time and significant
amounts on on-the-job training before establishing themselves. Finally, mass programmes
will be encouraged in order to enlarge the national ICT service consumption volume.

To reduce the country’s strong dependence on imported ICT products, the local solution
development incentive will be strong. Thus, the Beninese State will encourage the local
development of software with content adapted to the needs of companies using value added
services in the Beninese and sub-regional markets. The search for technical partners who are able to
carry out the transfer to the Beninese will continue. The development of applications for mobile
telephones will be promoted, as this will contribute to the amelioration of the digital divide due to
the high penetration rate of this medium to the population. The different sectors of the economic
and social life of Benin (finances, education, health, commerce, tourism, agriculture) and the local
authorities will design ICT applications responding to their concerns.
Finally, to make Beninese value added exports and job creation companies competitive, the State
will create a business park or cyber-city, supplied with a high speed connection and support
services inherent to this type of structure. The investments code will be readjusted so that Beninese
companies will be placed under the same conditions as their competitors in other countries. It will
translate to an investment attraction policy and encourage delocalization of multinationals in Benin
(services, industries). The regulation authority will see to it that the rates charged are as competitive
as those offered in the other countries of the sub-region.


To reduce the
country’s strong
dependence on
imported ICT
products, the local
solution development
incentive will be

Select target paragraph3