Benin ICT Sector Performance Review 2009/2010

ICT Policies in Benin:
Vision, Pillars and Strategic Axes
On 31 December 2008, Benin adopted a new text; the Sector Policy Statement (SPS) for posts,
telecommunications and ICT. The SPS consists of a vision, pillars and strategic axes.

The ICT Policy Vision
Since the advent of the new political regime in Benin following the 2006 presidential elections,
Benin’s vision relating to telecommunications and ICT underwent development. This new vision
was first mentioned in the document drawn up in 2007 entitled “Feuille de route du secteur des
telecommunications et des TIC” (Movement Order of the Telecommunications and ICT Sector), and
was then adopted in December 2008. The Beninese State wants “to make Benin the digital district
of Africa”. This involves attracting Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) to the telecommunications and
ICT sector (outsourcing services, creation of new booming clusters) and to develop the ICT industry
and services (particularly amongst SME) to create an environment that promotes competitiveness
in the Beninese economy in general and the ICT sector in particular.
The fulfilment of the vision takes place through the implementation of the SPS pillars.

The Pillars of the National Telecommunications and ICT Policy
In order to translate the SPS vision into reality, it is supported by two essential pillars. They are
e-government and e-business.
The e-government is tasked with increasing the efficiency of administration by reducing
communication costs and by placing well-trained officials in modern working conditions. It is at
this level that the State intends to fully play its role as ICT user. This pillar is divided into two parts:
e-administration and e-governance.
The goals of e-administration are:

to give Benin a modern, competitive, connected and interconnected public sector ;


to increase the efficiency, reliability, speed and security of administration by reducing
communication costs and by placing well-trained officials in modern working conditions ;


to roll out a governmental intranet infrastructure in order to reduce the possibilities of
errors, incoherence and delays in the processing of administrative files.

E-governance applies to all State institutions. Thanks to ICT, through e-governance:

administration will be at the service of citizens ;


public service will be of high quality ;


there will be transparency and good governance ;


legislation will be adapted to electronic, administrative and secure transactions ;


public finances will be improved ;


individuals will have easy access to civil status services at a minimal fee and can participate
in transparent electoral processes and will benefit from remote public services.

E-business is the pillar dealing with the promotion of a competitive private sector, which has
become the motor of growth and is geared towards the use of value added services based on ICT.
This pillar will allow the State to carry out its role of facilitator and manager. It entails that the State
will ensure stable and secure regulation in order to promote an attractive environment for ICT
business, allowing the sector to produce multiple effects in all the other sectors of the Beninese
economy. The interrelations between the companies in the ICT subsidiary (operators, Internet
access providers, value added service providers, ICT exports, ICT training structures, etc.) will
increase the level of competitiveness in the sector as well as the national economy.


On 31 December
2008, Benin adopted
a new text; the Sector
Policy Statement
(SPS) of posts,
and ICT

In order to translate
the SPS vision into
reality, it is supported
by two essential
pillars. They are
e-government and

The purpose of the
e-government is to
increase the efficiency
of administration
by reducing
communication costs
and by placing welltrained officials in
modern working

E-business is the pillar
dealing with the
promotion of a
competitive private
sector, which has
become the motor of
growth and is geared
towards the use of
value added services
based on ICT

Select target paragraph3