

gives, in the case of breach, a notice of
not less than three months, for the
service provider to remedy the breach;

The Commission has been notified and has
consented to the termination.

A party to an interconnection agreement may only
suspend interconnection in exceptional circumstances and only
where such suspension is intended to address a material
degradation of telecommunications systems or services.
Parties to an interconnection agreement
which has been approved by the Commission may amend or
modify such agreement by giving the Commission a copy of the
proposed amendment and not less than thirty (30) working days
written notice prior to the effective date the proposed amendment
is to take effect.

46. (1) A party who receives information relating to
interconnection from another party which is designated as
"Confidential" shall keep the information confidential and may
disclose it only(a)

to employees, agents or advisers who need to
know that information for the purpose of the
provision of interconnection, or giving advise


persons to whom such disclosure is
authorised by that other party;


where such disclosure is authorised or required
by law; and


to the Commission.

interconnection of a party received by another party, or
business information generated by the telecommunications
system of a party as a result of interconnection, shall be used
solely for the purpose of providing interconnection, and shall


Select target paragraph3