Law n°83-2000 translated for information purpose - Not to be quoted

Chapter V: On the Electronic Commerce Transactions
Article 25: In electronic commerce transactions, the merchant must provide the
consumer, in a clear and comprehensible manner and before the execution of the
contract, with the following information:
Identity, address and phone number of the merchant or the service provider ;
A complete description of all transaction steps ;
Nature, specifications and pricing of the product ;
Product delivery and insurance costs as well as due taxes ;
Period for which the products is displayed with the indicated prices ;
Commercial guarantees and after6sale service conditions ;
Payment methods and procedures and, when necessary, conditions for
available loans ;
Methods and time of delivery and of execution of contract and results of nonfulfillment of engagements.
Possibility of purchase cancellation and its deadline ;
Method for order confirmation ;
Method for product return or exchange and cost refund ;
Costs for using telecommunications technologies when they are priced
differently from regular;
Conditions for canceling a contract with unlimited period of time or a period
exceeding one year ;
The minimum period for contracts relating to providing the consumer with a
product or service for a long period of time or periodically.
This information must be provided electronically and must be made available to the
consumer to refer to at all transaction steps.
Article 26: It's forbidden for the merchant to deliver products with the condition of
payment on delivery when the consumer has issued no order.
In case the product is delivered to the consumer without any order issued for it, the
consumer cannot be asked for paying the price and delivery costs of the product.
Article 27: Before executing the contract, the merchant must allow the consumer to
do a final review of all his choices and enable him to voluntarily confirm (execute) the
order or to change it as well as to view the electronic certificate related to his
Article 28: The electronic contract is produced with the name of the merchant and on
the date of his approval of the order through an electronically signed document
addressed to the consumer unless the two parties agree on a different process.
Article 29: The merchant must provide the consumer, on the request of the latter and
in the ten (10) days following the execution of the contract, a written of electronic
document that includes all the information related to the sales transaction.
Article 30: With consideration to the Article 25 of this act, the consumer may cancel
the purchase
in a period of 10 working days, counted from:
The day of delivery to the consumer, in the case of a product ;
The day of contract conclusion, in the case of a service.
The cancellation is announced through all the mans mentioned in the contract.
In this case the merchant must refund the paid price to the consumer in a period of
ten working days starting from, the date of the return of the product or the
cancellation of the service.
The consumer shall bear all the costs resulting from the product return.
Article 31: Notwithstanding the compensation of damages in favor of the consumer,
the latter may return a product in its condition if it doesn't correspond to the order or
if the merchant doesn't respect the delivery deadline, and this during ten working days
Starting from the date of delivery.
In this case, the merchant shall return the paid price and related costs to the
Consumer during ten working days starting from the date of the product return.

Select target paragraph3