Freedom of Information
[No. of 2002 17
(2) The request for information shall provide sufficient details to
enable the public authority to identify the information and shall include
the name and address of the person requesting for the information:
Provided that where the applicant is unable to write the request for
information shall bear the thumb print of the applicant.
(3) For purposes of subsection (1) a request shall be treated as
made in writing where the text of the request —
(a) is transmitted by electronic means;
(b) is received in legible form; and
(c ) is capable of being used for subsequent reference.
24. (1) Where access to a record is requested, the head of the
public authority or any other authorised person to which the request is
made shall, subject to section fifteen and the other provisions of this
Act, within fourteen (14) days after the request is received (a) give written notice to the person who made the request as to
whether the record exists and, if it does, whether access to
the record or a part thereof will be given; and
(b) if access is to be given, promptly give the person who made
the request access to the record or a part thereof in the
form of a copy or an opportunity to examine the record.
(2) If a public authority requires further information in order to
identify and locate the information requested, it shall notify the applicant
of the need for such further information within seven days of receiving
the request for information and, in that case, the period of fourteen
days referred to in subsection (1) shall be reckoned from the date on
which such further information is received.
Notice where
access to
records is
25. (1) A public authority may provide information requested for
by an applicant by any one of the following means, having regard to
all the circumstances, including the cost of providing the information,
(a) the provision of a copy of the information in permanent form
or in another form acceptable to the applicant;
(b) the provision of a reasonable opportunity to inspect a record
containing the information;
(c ) the provision of a digest or summary of the information; or
(d) in the case of an applicant with a sensory disability, by the
provision of a record in a format that allows the person to
read or listen to the record of the information.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), a public authority may provide
information orally where the applicant on making the request for
information requests that the information be so provided.
Means by
is to be made
N.A.B 14, 2002