Federal Negarit Gazeta
13th Year No. 13 ADDIS ABABA-27th February, 2006
Page 3361




The applicant has violated hitherto access conditions or
access agreements.

Issuance of Access Permit

A person who wants to obtain permit to access genetic
resources or community knowledge shall present an
application in writing to the Institute. The conditions and
procedure in accordance with which applications shall be
presented examined and prior informed consent shall be
given shall be specified by regulations.


Upon giving of prior informed consent, the Institute shall,
based on the provisions of this proclamation, negotiate and
conclude genetic resources access agreement.


Where the access application involves access to community
knowledge, the Institute shall negotiate and conclude the
access agreement based on the prior informed consent of
the concerned local community to that effect.


The Institute shall not grant permit for exporting genetic
resources out of Ethiopia unless the condition provided
under Article 12 (6) of this Proclamation is met.

Special Access Permit

The Institute may, without the need to strictly follow the
access procedure provided for in this Proclamation, grant
specific access permit to Ethiopia national public research
and higher learning institutions and intergovernmental
institutions based in the country, so that they have facilitated
access to genetic resources and community knowledge for
purpose of development and academic research activities
they undertake within the country. Where the Institute grants
specific access permits to such institutions, it shall
determine, as appropriate, the obligations they shall assume
while having access under such permit.


An access to genetic resources under a multilateral system
of access to which Ethiopia is a party shall be made in
accordance with the conditions and procedure specified

Select target paragraph3