No. 24279

Ad No.

S,. 2002


(bJ inspect any medicine or scheduled substance. any book. record or
documenls that the inspector believes on reasonable grounds
conlains any information relevanllo the adminislralion or enrorcemen! of this ACI;
(c) seize any book. record. documents or medicine or scheduled
substance or take so many samples or any such medicine or
scheduled substance as he or she may consider necessary ror the
purpose or lesting. examinalion or analvsis in leons or this ACI.'·:
(b) the addilion of the following subsections:
"(5 Whereona licaliontoama istraleita 3rSlosuchmn iSlrate
rrom inronnalion on oath thai Ihere are reasonable grounds 10 believe
that(a) the conditions ror entry described in subsection (I )(0) exist in
relal ion 10 a private dwelling;
(b) entry to that pri vate dwelling is necessary ror any purpose relating
to the administration or enrorcemenl of Ihis Act: and
(c) entry to the private dwelling has been rerused or that entry thereto
will be refused.
a magislrate may issue a warrant authorizing the inspeclor named therein
10 enler that privale dwelling subject 10 such condilions as may be
specified in the WaJTani.
(6) Jf an inspector believes on reasonable grounds that(a) a wanant would be issued to him or her under subsection (5) if he or
she applies for such a warranl; and
(b) a delay in obtaining such wamlJlI would defeat the object of the
enlry. search and seizure.
he or she may without a warrant enter and search any premises for any
medicines. scheduled substance. book. record or document relevant 10
the adminisuation or enforcement or this Act and seize or take samples as
contemplaled in subsection (1)(c). .. .







Amendment of section 3S of Act 101 of 1965, as substituted by seclion 31 or Act 65
of 1974. amended by section 3 or Act 19 or 1976, sedion 14 of Act 17 of 1979. seelion
7 of Act 20 of 198 1, section 7 of Act 71 or 1991 and section 16 or Act 94 or 199 1 a nd
substituted by section 23 of Act 90 of 1997
12. Section 35 of the principal Act is amended by35
(a) (he substitution in subsection (I) for paragraph (xxiv) of the following
"(xxiv) as to the imponation. expon ation. conveyance. keeping.
storage, processing and packing of medicines and Scheduled
substances. and the manner in which medicines and Scheduled 40
subSl.3.nces shall be kept and com rolled in different categories
or hospitals:" and
(b) the subsulution in subsection ( I) for paragraph (xxvii) of Ihe fOllowing
"(xxvii) authorizing. regulaling. comrolling. restricting or prohibiling 45
the registration. manufacture. modification. imponation. ~
ponation. storage. transponalion. sale or use of any medical
device or class of medical devices or medicines in respecl of its
sarety. quality and efficacy:".
Substitution or long title or Act 101 of 1965, as su hslituted by section 22 or Act 94 50
of 199 1 a nd section 29 of Act 90 of 1997
13. The following long tille is subslilUled for the long title of the principal Act:

To rovide for the re istralion of m ed icines a nd related substances
intended for human and for animal use; to p ro vide for the esta blish- 55
ment ora Med icines Control Council ; to provide that such council shall
be a juristic pel'SOn ; to ma ke other provision for the constitution of the

Select target paragraph3