Art. 7 - The constituant power belongs to the People.
The People exercise their sovereignty through institutions they set up.
The People exercise it by means of referendum and through the elected representatives.
The President of the Republic may resort directly to the expression of the People’s will.
Art. 8 - The People set up institutions having as objectives:
- the safeguard and consolidation of the national independence;
- the safeguard and consolidation of the national identity and unity;
- the protection of fundamental liberties of the citizen and the social and cultural progress
of the Nation;
- the suppression of the exploitation of man by man;
- the protection of the national economy from any form of embezzlment or
misappropriation, illegitimate monopolizing or seizure.
Art. 9 - The institutions are not allowed :
- feudal, regionalist and nepotic practices;
- setting up exploitation relationships and dependence links;
- practices that are contrary to the islamic ethics and to the values of the November
Art. 10 - The People choose freely their representatives.
The representation of the People has no limits except those defined by the Constitution
and the electoral law.
Art. 11 - The State takes its legitimacy and its raison d’être from the People’s will.
Its motto is ”By the People and for the People”.
It is exclusively for the service of the People.
Art. 12 - The sovereignty of the State is exercised on its terrestrial space, its air space,
and its waters.
The State also exercises its sovereign right established by the international law on any of
its various areas of the maritime space to which they belong.
Art. 13 - In any circumstances should a part of the national territory be abandoned or
Art. 14 - The State is based on the principles of democratic organization and of social
The elected Assembly is the framework in which is expressed the people’s will and the
control of the public authorities is exercised.
Art. 15 - The territorial collectivities of the State are the "Commune" and the "Wilaya".

Select target paragraph3