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The world has embraced Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as
an enabler of social and economic development. The industry is growing
very fast and making significant contribution to global trade and investment.
ICT is receiving focus at various fora as demonstrated by the United Nations
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the World Summit on the
Information Society (WSIS). Both initiatives have resulted in the promotion of
information and knowledge based society as the basis for creating wealth.
An opportunity has arisen for Zambia to join the global village by connecting
commerce and trade.
This policy sets the framework for Zambia s
participation in the global economy.
At the national level, the importance of ICT in national development is
demonstrated by the approval of the ICT Policy and the inclusion of ICT as a
priority sector in the Fifth National Development Plan 2006-2010.
This Policy is designed on thirteen pillars namely as follows:*

Human Resource Development;
Tourism, Environment & Natural Resources;
Youth and Women
Legal & Regulatory Framework
Security in Information Society
Access, Media, Content and Culture
ICT Services

A challenge has now arisen for the country to implement this policy and I
therefore call upon all stakeholders to rise to this challenge. This Policy shall
be Government-led and it is the intention of Government to involve the
private sector in its implementation through the Public-Private Partnerships.
This partnership is especially important for mobilizing resources for
infrastructure development.
At the operational level, it is expected that all ministries, institutions and

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